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"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away." - Elvis Presley

In 1968, Elvis Presley took the stage to perform, in what has become known as his Comeback Special, for the first time in 7 years. It was during this special where Elvis rediscovered his love and passion for music. During his time away from the stage, he had been making music strictly for movies and became disconnected from music as a result. In the years had been making movies, the music industry had changed and Rock n' Roll, that Elvis was once the King of, had also changed.

When the time came for him to take centerstage, Presley was said to have been very nervous and almost didn't go on. But when he finally took the stage and started playing, it was as if he had never left. Watching him perform on that special, you see a man rediscovering his passion before your very eyes. After the 68 Special aired, the world was reminded why they fell in love with Elvis in the first place and also proved to Elvis that he still had an incredible talent for making music and performing.

"I sure lost my musical direction in Hollywood. My songs were the same conveyer belt mass production, just like most of my movies were." - Elvis Presley

This moment inspires me because I went through a time in my life where I became disconnected with writing and my life's path. But then I took classes at NYU Tisch School of the Arts and it was there that I rediscovered my life's path. In my time writing there, I rediscovered my love for writing, creating and the creative process. It was that rediscovery that lead me to Full Sail and my Masters. This moment continues to inspire me because it shows that if you are truly meant to do something, you will find your way back there no matter how long you've been away. Seeing Elvis perform and watching him rediscover his passion and reconnect to it as he is performing is truly an inspiring moment that I will always keep with me. It gives me great respect for him as a performer and as a true Master in making music and performing. He was called "The King" for a reason and this moment is proof why.

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